Millocchio Bianco
Millocchio Rosso
New vineyards
old vineyards
Vine varieties


In the spring of 2015 two new vineyards, 1 ha of white grape varieties and 1 ha of red grape varieties were planted on two fields that in the past were used to grow wheat, barley, spelt and clover. The soil had been prepared previously with green manure and sub-soiling with a chisel plow. These vineyards are located ca. 350m above sea level on a well balanced soil (shale with silt and clay).
The new vine plants were obtained using the method of "mass selection" by taking cuttings from vineyards of the Maremma (vineyards of Italo Ferri in Pitigliano, Gianmarco Antonuzi in Gradoli, Antonio Camillo in Manciano and Ugo Piccolo, Saturnia). These cuttings were then grafted onto rootstocks chosen for the particularities of the soil. This traditional method for creating vine plants is different from the usually used "clonal selection", which allows the creation of an infinite number of plants with identical genetic characteristics. The main difference between a vineyard made by clonal selection and a vineyard made by mass selection lies in the genetic diversity mass selection brings about which reflects in the ability of the plants to adapt better to the climate and the territory.
The white grape varieties are Procanico, Clairette (Francesino), Riminese (Duropersico)i, Nocchianello and Verdello, while for the red grapes we Ciliegiolo and Alicante has been chosen. In spring 2016 another hectar has been planted, again half with white (Ansonica) and half with red varieties (mainly Alicante and some Aleatico, Buonamico and Mammolo).